Introduction to Jung-gu

* As of July 1, 2024

Administrative Divisions

행정구역(표)- 면적, 행정동수, 법정동수, 통/반 등의 정보를 제공하는 표입니다.
Area (㎢) Number of Administrative Divisions (Dongs) Number of Legal Divisions (Dongs) Tong/Ban
37.0 12 18 310/2,043

(Source: Autonomous Administration Department)

Population and Household Status

인구 및 세대현황(표)구분, 세대수, 인구수(계, 남, 여), 면적, 법정동, 통, 반, 계, 학성동, 반구1동, 반구2동, 복산동, 성안동, 중앙동, 우정동, 태화동, 다운동, 병영1동, 병영2동, 약사동 정보를 나타내고 있습니다.
Classification Number of Households Population Area (㎢) Legal Divisions (Dongs) Tong Ban
Total Male Female
Total 94,357 208,568 105,484 103,084 37 181) 310 2,043
Hakseong-dong 5,795 10,798 5,529 5,269 0.93 1 19 136
Banggu 1-dong 7,653 15,876 8,289 7,587 1.12 1 23 148
Banggu 2-dong 4,330 8,281 4,223 4,058 0.51 1 12 81
Boksan-dong 8,710 20,321 10,156 10,165 1.37 1 30 214
Seongan-dong 8,488 20,139 10,288 9,851 6.95 2 26 145
Jungang-dong 6,542 11,388 5,893 5,495 1.90 5 29 186
Ujeong-dong 7,920 17,438 8,648 8,790 1.51 1 30 180
Taehwa-dong 12,633 31,788 15,829 15,959 5.53 2 39 304
Daun-dong 10,624 21,559 10,957 10,602 8.96 2 31 156
Byeongyeong 1-dong 9,193 20,912 10,593 10,319 1.45 1 30 221
Byeongyeong 2-dong 8,621 19,565 9,817 9,748 3.99 3 29 197
Yaksa-dong 3,848 10,503 5,262 5,241 2.78 1 12 75

Note: For the total number of legal divisions (dongs), cases where a single legal division is divided into multiple administrative divisions are excluded from the total to avoid duplication.

(Source: Autonomous Administration Department)

Administrative Organization

  • Organizations
행정조직 중 조직(표)- 본청, 의회사무국, 보건소, 문화의전당, 동의 조직 정보를 제공하는 표입니다.
Main Office Council Secretariat Public Health Center Culture & Arts Center Dong Offices
1 Bureau, 22 Divisions (90 Sections) 3 Expert Committees (2 Sections) 2 Divisions (10 Sections) 1 Center (2 Sections) 13 Dong

(Source: Planning & Budget Office)

  • Garden
행정조직 중 정원(표)-계, 본청, 의회사무국, 보건소, 문화의 전당, 동의 정원 정보를 제공하는 표입니다.
Total Main Office Council Secretariat Public Health Center Culture & Arts Center Dong Offices
713people 478people 24people 48people 12people 135people

(Source: Planning & Budget Office)


도로(표)-도로계획 및 개설에 대한 연장, 면적 등을 나타내고 있습니다.
Urban Area Road Plan Developed Road Ratio (%)
Length Area Length Area Length Area
19.17㎢ 350.253㎞ 4.69㎢ 314.16㎞ 3.92㎢ 24.98% 18.74%

* Road Development Rate: 86.2%

(Source: Department of Construction)


하천(표)-계, 국가, 지방하천, 소하천, 비고 등을 나타내고 있습니다.
Total National Local Rivers Small Rivers Note
15 locations
36.096 km
1 location 9.5 km
(Taehwagang River)
6 locations
19.8 km
(Dongcheon, Yugokcheon, Cheokgwacheon, Siryecheon, Seongancheon and Yaksacheon Streams)
8 locations
6.796 km

(Source: Department of Construction)


교량(표)-계(개소 및 연장), 시도(개소 및 연장), 구도(개소 및 연장) 등 을 나타내고 있습니다.
Total City Roads District Roads
Locations Length Locations Length Locations Length
28 3,490m 19 2,972.4m 9 518.3m

(Source: Construction Department)

Housing (Unit: Households)

(단위 : 호)

주택(표)-계, 단독, 아파트, 연립, 다세대 등의 정보를 나타내고 있습니다.
Total Single-family Apartments Row Houses Multi-family
78,691 23,011 46,974 2,036 6,670

(Source: Architecture Department)

Land Registration Status

토지등록현황(표)-지목, 면적(㎡), 필지수, 합계, 전,답, 과수원, 목장용지, 임야, 광천지, 염전, 대지, 공장용지, 학교용지, 주차장, 주유소용지, 창고용지, 도로, 철도용지, 제방, 하천, 구거, 유지, 양어장, 수도용지, 공원, 체육용지, 유원지, 종교용지, 사적지, 묘지, 잡종지 등 을 나타내고 있습니다.
Land Category Area ( m2) Number of Parcels Land Category Area ( m2) Number of Parcels
Total 37,007,129.5 42,419 Railway Land 0 0
Field 1,662,489.6 2,968 Embankment 150,258.1 240
Rice Paddy 1,954,271.8 1,932 River 2,963,671.6 601
Orchard 748,655.0 421 Drainage Channel 476,911.3 978
Ranch Land 415,719.0 36 Reservoir 106,505.3 109
Forest 13,812,449.2 2,703 Fish Farm 0 0
Mineral Spring 0 0 Water Supply 38,112.7 20
Salt Farm 0 0 Park 985,028.2 287
Building Site 8,143,735.1 24,356 Sports Facilities 227,745.4 28
Factory Site 7,489.0 6 Recreational Area 0 0
School Land 716,328.6 115 Religious Site 112,908.9 89
Parking Lot 92,755.0 136 Historic Site 2,587.0 4
Gas Station 34,137.8 54 Cemetery 180,434.9 128
Warehouse 23,410.3 53 Miscellaneous 90,780.7 219
Road 4,060,745.0 6,936

(Source: Civil Affairs and Land Department)

Number of Registered Vehicles

자동차 등록대수(표)- 구분, 계, 관용, 자가용, 영업용 등을 나타내고 있습니다.
Classification Total Government Private Commercial
Total 112,147 470 109,104 2,573
Passenger 89,056 124 87,807 1,125
Bus 2,374 107 1,964 303
Truck 11,063 93 10,093 877
Special 452 6 178 268
Motorcycle 9,202 140 9,062 -

(Source: Transportation Department)

Number of Schools

학교수(표)-계, 유치원, 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교, 대학, 특수학교 등의 정보를 나타내고 있습니다.
Total Kindergartens Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools Universities Special Schools
75 31 21 11 9 2 1

(Source: Education Support Department)

Cultural Heritage

문화재(표)-계, 국가지정(사적, 등록문화재), 시지정(유형문화재, 무형문화재, 기념물, 문화재자료)등을 나타내고 있습니다.
Total National Designation City Designation
Historic Sites Registered Cultural Properties Tangible Cultural Heritage Intangible Cultural Heritage Monuments Cultural Property Materials
21 2 2 8 2 3 4

(Source: Culture & Tourism Department)

Sister Cities

자매도시(표)-자매도시명, 자매결연일, 면적(㎢), 인구(명), 중국 산동성 연대시 지부구, 전남 나주시, 충북 음성군 등 을 나타내고 있습니다.
Sister City Name Sisterhood Agreement Date Area (km2) Population (people)
Semarang City, Indonesia 2016.11.25 373.7 2,100,000
Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China 2006.10.19 174.4 690,000
Naju City, Jeollanam-do 2012. 5.11 608.5 116,113
Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do 2012. 5.11 520.3 100,791

(Source: General Affairs Department)

방문자 통계