Page 43 - 2021 제24회 통계연보
P. 43

Land and Climate | 43

                평균해면기압      이슬점온도     평균운량      일조시간     최심신적설
                    (hPa)      (℃)      (10%)     (h)      (cm)                        최대
                                                                   평균풍속     최대풍속                  Year
                              Mean                        Maximum
                 Air pressure of  dewpoint      Duration of  depth of        Highest  Highest Gust
                mean sea level  temperature  Mean cloud  sunshine  snowfall  Mean Speed  Speed  Speed

                     1,015.9      8.5      5.1    2,371.2       -       2.1     12.6      21.5   2 0 1 6

                     1,015.7      6.8      4.4    2,722.1       -       2.2     10.8      16.6   2 0 1 7

                     1,016.2      7.1      4.7    2,579.9       -       2.2     12.9      23.9   2 0 1 8

                     1,015.7      7.6      5.0    2,605.8       -       2.1      9.4      16.5   2 0 1 9

                     1,015.9      7.7      5.0    2,547.6       -       2.2     12.6     21.0    2 0 2 0

                     1,021.7     -2.3      5.4     153.6        -       2.5      6.8      11.6    Jan.

                     1,023.3     -2.5      4.0     210.7        -       2.2      5.6       8.6    Feb.

                     1,016.9      0.8      4.0     238.0        -       2.3      7.1      12.6    Mar.

                     1,016.3      2.0      3.8     277.4        -       2.5      7.7      11.6    Apr.

                     1,010.5     12.1      5.9     245.5        -       1.9      5.8       9.3    May.

                     1,006.5     17.4      5.6     257.2        -       1.7      5.9       9.4    Jun.

                     1,007.6     20.4      8.2     111.4        -       1.5      6.1      10.0    Jul.
                     1,009.4     24.2      6.1     230.2        -       2.2      6.1      10.0    Aug.

                     1,011.5     17.3      6.4     166.2        -       2.5     12.6      21.0    Sep.

                     1,019.5      8.8      4.3     230.7        -       2.2      6.1       8.9    Oct.

                     1,023.3      2.5      3.6     190.7        -       2.1      6.1       8.7    Nov.

                     1,024.3     -7.8      2.9     236.0        -       2.4      6.4       9.0    Dec.
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