Page 65 - 2021 제24회 통계연보
P. 65
Establishment | 65
Unit : each, person
By the form organization 사업체 구분별 By type of establishment
회사이외법인 비법인단체 단독 사업체 공장, 지사(점), 영업소 본사, 본점 등
Non-business corporation Unincorporated association Unit business Factory, branch office and business office Head office Year
Section of Industry
사업체 종사자 사업체 종사자 사업체 종사자 사업체 종사자 사업체 종사자
421 13,035 551 1,869 15,724 44,594 518 5,881 87 5,369 2 0 1 6
434 13,214 561 1,897 15,631 45,039 539 6,138 96 5,416 2 0 1 7
466 15,179 569 2,223 16,078 46,387 556 7,071 98 5,971 2 0 1 8
481 16,299 595 2,504 15,985 47,786 584 7,640 107 6,121 2 0 1 9
481 16,299 595 2,504 15,985 47,786 584 7,640 107 6,121 2 0 2 0
1 X - - 1 X 1 X - - A. Agriculture, forestry and Fishing
- - - - 2 X - - - - B. Mining and quarrying
8 132 1 X 916 2,251 18 188 9 240 C. Manufacturing
D. Electricity, gas, steam and
- - - - 6 63 - - - -
water supply
E. Sewerage, waste management,
9 26 1 X 25 175 - - - - materials recovery
and remediation activities
1 X - - 692 4,594 6 77 10 270 F. Construction
9 111 5 19 4,058 8,586 161 1,151 9 73 G. Wholesale and retail trade
17 185 - - 1,853 2,703 21 62 1 X H. Transportation
I. Accommodation and food
11 58 4 7 3,282 7,356 45 377 2 X
service activities
8 284 1 X 67 613 13 220 6 178 J. Information and communications
53 1,847 - - 22 58 89 1,883 12 815 K. Financial and insurance activities
L. Real estate activities and
6 52 121 411 514 1,018 10 66 5 318
renting & leasing
M. Professional, scientific and
32 2,739 1 X 301 1,521 37 736 20 2,191 technical activities
N. Business facilities management
8 184 2 X 224 1,497 22 249 7 127
and business support services
O. Public administration and
34 2,532 - - 33 2,514 1 X - - defence;
compulsory social security
81 4,130 21 108 899 5,153 30 655 6 711 P. Education
Q. Human health and social work
84 3,363 78 1,178 485 5,168 52 1,454 15 1,046 activities
R. Arts, sports and recreation
29 312 31 230 571 1,367 16 160 1 X
related services
90 299 329 514 2,034 3,145 62 323 4 28 S. Membership organizations, repair
and other personal services
(1) Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods-and services-producing activities of households